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How to integrate your Stripe or PayPal account with Delenta?

Delenta coaching platform helps to integrate your Stripe and PayPal account with Delenta

Renaud Bonavie avatar
Written by Renaud Bonavie
Updated over a year ago

Stripe and Paypal are online payment services that Delenta uses to handle card payments for your coaching package purchases by a client.

It’s a very useful feature that’s quick and easy to set up and will help you to automate all payment handling, billing, invoicing and receipts.

In order to setup Stripe/Paypal integration, first go to Integrations page and then select the Integrations

Once the Stripe/Paypal toggle move to the switch on position it will redirect you to Stripe/Paypal integration page, based on your selection. Please note that you can only be connected to one Online Payment Service at any given time.

How to integrate with Stripe?

1. Once the Stripe toggle move to the switch on position it will redirect you to Stripe/Paypal integration page, based on your selection.

For Stripe, If you already have an account then you can Sign In with your Stripe login credentials.

2. Once done you will be redirected back to Delenta to create coaching packages and get paid.

If you do not have a Stripe account then you can apply for a free Stripe account on the same page.

How to integrate with Paypal?

For Paypal, please note that you will need to have a Paypal Business Account in order to create packages and receive payments for them via Delenta.

If you already have a Paypal Business account, then use your credentials to log in to your PayPal Business account. Once you are done, you will be redirected to Delenta Integrations page. So you can now start creating coaching packages by visiting My Packages area of your coach portal.

If you do not have a Paypal business account then you can sign-up to create one by clicking the Sign-Up button in the above screen.

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