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Create your availability

It shows free coaching discovery slots/introduction sessions with a lead or prospect. Delenta will check your calendar and allow bookings.

Renaud Bonavie avatar
Written by Renaud Bonavie
Updated over 10 months ago

Delenta allows coaches to display their availability for free discovery sessions or introductory meetings with leads and prospects. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how coaches can set up their availability calendar in Delenta to enable leads and prospects to book discovery sessions seamlessly.

Three ways to setup availability:

1. Setting up availability for the first time

When accessing the My Calendar page for the first time, you'll be guided through the availability creation process.

  • Check the days and select start and end time you're available for appointments.

  • Specify the length of appointments and the period for which this availability schedule will run.

  • Your availability schedule will be automatically created based on your responses.

Note: You can skip this process if you want to have a different availability schedules or if you would like to setup later.

2. Calendar Settings

You can set up or update your current availability plan by using the Calendar Settings on My Calendar.

  • Navigate to Calendar Settings on the My Calendar page to set up or update your availability plan.

  • You can also set the minimum notice for appointment booking. Click here to learn more.

  • Specify the length of appointments and the period for which this availability schedule will run.

  • Save your changes to update your availability schedule, which will be reflected on your profile landing page.

3. Setting Availability for Specific Dates

  • Click on the "Create Availability" button on the My Calendar page.

  • Select the date for which you want to apply specific availability.

  • Optionally, choose the recurring option to apply the same availability to multiple dates.

  • Save your entries to add the availability sequence to your calendar.

Click here to learn more about setting up different availability.

Note: Currently, you can manually set different availability for the next three months.

Once you complete the availability creation on your Delenta calendar, Delenta will automatically save your entries on your availability calendar and display them in your profile landing page ready to take free discovery/introductory bookings.

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