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Auto Renewal(Subscription) packages
Anji avatar
Written by Anji
Updated over 5 months ago

A subscription or auto renewal allows a client to pay a timely fee for an ongoing coaching engagement (pay as you go style). You can think of this as a fixed recurring payment, where the charge occurs regularly (Monthly, Quarterly, Bi-Annually) until the coach or the client cancels it.

This is generally used when there is no set end date for the service.

How do I set up a package to auto renew?

Step 1: Go to packages page on your coach portal and click on +New Package

Step 2: Click on One-to-One packages as Auto Renewal packages are only enabled for one-to-one packages for the moment.

Note: We are working on brining in the auto renewal for group packages. It will be available soon.

Step 3: Add your package info such as package title, description.

Step 4: Add a session plan. You can create multiple session plans based on your package structure. You also have the option to create unlimited session plans

Note: Unlimited sessions cannot be combined with Auto Renewal payments.

Step 5: On the pricing information page, you have the option to create your payment plans. Select the payment plan option you'd like to offer to your clients (Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Bi-Annually) and/or full payment option.

You can choose to add multiple payment plan options. Example: A full payment option. a Monthly and a Quarterly plan options.

Step 6: Decide if you like to set your payment plan with a set number of payments or continue the plan indefinitely.

If it is for a set number of payments, then select the payment type to be limited payments and specify the number of times you want the payment to renew on COUNT field on your payment plan.

In the example below I have set up my payment plan so it charges my client $200 every month for 2 months.

If you want your package subscription to continue indefinitely then select Unlimited Payments from the PAYMET TYPE drop down, this will continue to charge your client until they're cancelled by you or by your client.

Step 6: When you have limited number of sessions on the package, you also have the option of renewing the sessions each time the payment is renewed.

The number of bookable sessions a client has in a billing cycle is determined by Session Management by Billing Cycle section and the number of sessions on your session plan.

When you click on the toggle button 'I want to renew the number of sessions on next payment', it will keep adding the number of

For example: In the example below, I am offering x4 60 minutes Zoom sessions each month for $200 for a total of x2 months. In total my client will receive x8 60 mins sessions for $400 at the end of 2 months. Each month when the payment renews, client's session count will also get renewed.

How do I expire sessions that are unused within a billing cycle?

By default client is required to book and use up all the allocated sessions for that billing cycle, if not, they will lose it.

Be clear on your package description that clients with a auto renewal subscription package should use up their session allowance prior to the next billing cycle.

If you would like any unused sessions to be rolled over to the next billing cycle, then turn on the toggle switch 'Permit the rollover of unused sessions on next payment.'

Is my client's card automatically charged each billing cycle?

Yes! Your client will be automatically charged for each payment. They do not need to re-submit their payment information or approve anything. Clients will be charged on the same day each month based on when they made their original purchase.

Does my client receive an Invoice for each payment?

Yes. This happens through Stripe. If you’d like to modify the invoice, check the settings of your Stripe account.

They can also view their invoices on their client portal. For this they have to go to their Purchases page, and select the package they want to view the invoices for, click on MORE button. This will show all payments completed and payments due along with their invoices.

How do I track subscription payments?

Search for the client's name on your Contacts page, click on VIEW DETAILS and Payment History tab. Select the package payment record and expand the record to view all payments and outstanding scheduled payments, along with a link to Stripe Invoice.

How do I cancel a subscription?

Search for the client's name on your Contacts page, click on VIEW DETAILS and Payment History tab. Select the package payment you want to cancel, and click on Cancel Payment button at the top of payment tracker.

How do I pause a subscription ?

Search for the client's name on your Contacts page, click on VIEW DETAILS and Payment History tab. Select the package payment you want to cancel, and click on Pause Payment button at the top of payment tracker.

How does my client cancel a subscription payment?

Clients cannot directly cancel a subscription, they can only request a cancelation from the coach. For this, after logging into their Client portal, click on the Packages page, and select the package from the list of packages. Click on MORE and on there they will see a button to update payment terms:

Clicking on this will bring up a pop-up to request to either pause or cancel a payment plan.

Once the request is made, the coach will get notified via email and also on the coach portal on the CONTACTS page, at which point they can simply go and either cancel or pause using the buttons provided (as explained above).

What happens to existing appointments when a subscription is cancelled?

When a coach cancels a subscription, the next subscription payment will be cancelled Sessions allocated in the current billing period will remain, and unbooked sessions are bookable (before the period ends).

How can clients update their credit card?

For this, after logging into their Client portal, click on the Packages page, and select the package from the list of packages. Click on MORE and on the Payment Details pop-up they will see a button to Update Card Details.

Can I create a subscription if I use PayPal as my service provider?

No, Auto renewal payments are only available with Stripe.

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