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Selling your offerings
Renaud Bonavie avatar
Written by Renaud Bonavie
Updated over a year ago

Once you have created your offerings on Delenta, it is now time to start selling to your existing clients and to your prospective clients/Leads.

It could be that your paid offerings are in the form of Individual coaching packages, group coaching packages or Courses.

Let's explore how you can sell each of these services on Delenta.

  • Selling Coaching Packages - You can choose for your packages to be advertised on your Delenta Landing page for anyone visiting your landing page to purchase or you can share the link for individual packages with specific clients or groups.

  • Selling Courses: Similar to Coaching packages, you can choose for your courses to be advertised on your Landing page for anyone visiting your landing page to purchase or you can share the link for individual courses with specific clients.

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