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Tracking and Analyzing Performance with Team Portal Reports
Tracking and Analyzing Performance with Team Portal Reports

Enterprise portal that allow you to track and analyze how your coaches and business is performing.

Renaud Bonavie avatar
Written by Renaud Bonavie
Updated over 10 months ago

The Team portal offers various reports to help your admins track and analyze the performance of your coaches, clients/coachees, and your business overall. Here’s a guide to understanding the key reports available:

- Coaching Activities

Shows the all coaches coaching log and information on the coaching sessions including time, duration, session type, whether it was a paid or free session and if the sessions are connected to a package, the name of the connected package.

  1. Details Included: Logs including time, duration, session type, payment status, and package name.

  2. Usage: Understand client engagement levels and identify opportunities for additional support if a client is falling behind.

- Sales

Include the sold coaching packages information for the coaches. This report will give you all that is needed to make an actionable gauge of which packages are performing well and with your coaches.

  1. Details Included: Information on sold coaching packages.

  2. Usage: Evaluate the performance of coaching packages and understand which ones are most popular with your clients.

- Contacts

Contacts shows the information for the contacts including the coach, the contacts name, email and their status which includes their contact type such as group, client, client contact etc. and more importantly how well they are doing against their purchased packages.

  1. Details Included: Contact information including coach assignment, contact type, and status.

  2. Usage: Manage contact information and track client progress against their purchased packages.

- Goal

Shows what coaching objectives have been agreed for each of your coaching clients and a progress reported against coaching objectives.

  1. Details Included: Coaching objectives agreed for each client and progress against these objectives.

  2. Usage: Track and report on client progress towards their coaching goals.

- Sessions

Allows you to see over all your coaches how many sessions have been delivered, booked and cancelled by each of their coaching clients/coachees.

  1. Details Included: Number of sessions delivered, booked, and cancelled by each client.

  2. Usage: Get an overview of session activity across all coaches and clients.

- Billable Reports (🚩New Feature)

Calculates the total payment due for coaches based on their hourly rate and the number of hours they've coached on the platform. This feature streamlines financial management and ensures accurate payment processing for your coaching team.

  1. Details Included: Considers the duration of each coaching session and the individual costs associated with each coach.

  2. Usage: Streamlines the financial management aspect of the platform, providing clear and concise payment information for administrative purposes.

- Managing Coach Hourly Rates

Admins will have the capability to manage the financial aspects of your coaching team efficiently. This includes inputting hourly rates for coaches and generating detailed payment reports based on those rates and the number of hours coached.

  • Go to the Admin portal from your dashboard.

  • From the admin menu, select the "Coaches" menu.

  • Choose the coach for whom you want to set the hourly rate.

  • Enter the hourly rate in the designated field and save the changes.

  • Filters: Each report can be filtered by various criteria such as coach, account/company, session type, etc.

  • Export: Reports can be exported to CSV format for sharing with external stakeholders.

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